
Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013

This week probably didn't go as well as it could have. Actually that's an understatement, the week sucked. As much as i would love to say that I got a ton of work done and I'm improving a lot, I can't. I did finish my pajama pants which I was extremely excited about (they are purple and fuzzy), but they were definitely harder than I thought they would be. I ended up finishing them but after they went through the ash the hem and elastic ripped in like four places.

I also broke my sewing machine. Again. Yes, this was the second time in two weeks. For clothes you are supposed to do a zig-zag stitch for the bottom of the pant leg. Here is a visual of what the different stitches look like.

Usually I use a straight stitch, which is the second one in. That one just goes in One Direction (..... sorry I had to), but tried to be all fancy and do a zig-zag stitch, which is the third one in, because thats what professionals use and it looks polished and such. It didn't work. Apparently you need some special presser foot (pictured below) and clearly i didn't know that at the time.
This is a presser foot
In the end, the needle ended up hitting the presser foot, and literally snapped in half. After that I was left with two halves of a needle, a presser foot with a large dent in it, and an unfinished pair of pants. Eventually I went back to Joann Fabric (which I'm now regular at) and bought 5 new needles... just in case.

Once I put the new needle in, which was surprisingly easy, it was all smooth sailing from there... of course then I managed to break it again. At this point I figured out it wasn't the machine that was the problem...

If you've been following my blog you'll know that last week a ran out of thread on the bottom. This is when all hell broke loose. Of course Caroline's mom was there to save the day. Well the same thing happened again. I attempted to rewind it and was actually successful. Then came the difficult part. I tried to put the thread back in the sewing machine and it wouldn't work. again. I'm sure all of you assumed I am a pretty patient person (picture that sentence in sarcastic font) but after about 5 minutes I gave up and angrily stomped away for about the forty-eighth time since I've started sewing. But luckily I came home from school to a fixed sewing machine! It was a miracle yaaaaaaaaay (I'm pretty sure caroline's mom came over and fixed it when I was gone so.... shoutout to Sandy yet again! I have a feeling there will be a shoutout to Sandy every week until I actually figure out how to use this without breaking every other day.)

This week I'm attempting to make a skirt and if it turns out nice then maybe I will be able to use that as part of my final product! Cross your fingers I actually have a completely working sewing machine by the end of the week, though..

Resources for the Week:


Sam said...

Awesome Job Jenny!

I think that you are making a lot of progress in your project. I looked at your blog a few weeks ago and it is really interesting to see how far you've come. I think it is very creative of you to make stuff for your dag, and also quite funny. I appreciate that you are actively looking for ways to apply your new knowledge of sewing and design. Your designs are great by the way!

Sam Kes

Julia Blair said...

Jenny, you're super talented! I really like how all the stuff that you make you can use on a daily basis. I'm really excited for the skirt, ever since you showed me the patterns. I also like how you include your "failures" too. It just makes reading your blog posts so much more enjoyable. Keep up the good work!

Mayank said...

First off, the voice in your blog is phenomenal. I can actually imagine you talking about everything you mention in your blog (Yes, I am talking about the One Direction reference). So far, I think the mess-ups you have been having are instrumental to your growth in the sewing field as you are being able to learn about the sewing machine and how it works (or you are just failing and its wasting your time, but let's think positive!). It is also great that you finished the pajama pants and are improving a lot. Overall, great job and I wish you luck in finishing your project!

Max said...

Jenny, I agree with Mayank about your voice, it is basically like listening to a voice recording only on paper (Or computer or whatever). I think the fact that you have had so many screw-ups probably just strengthens the experience overall. Plus, it will make the finished project even more exciting when it comes out well(Almost as exciting as play E minor and A over and over again on guitar for the first time).
I expect you to craft me a Boardwalk Empire style suit and top hat. Disregard that top hats aren't made with sewing machines, I still want it.


Unknown said...

Oh jenny. I can just see you rage quitting right now. You are not one for dealing with complicated machines. I can just imagine you snapping that needle in half and just screaming out to your whole house. But seriously your project seems like tons of fun. You seem to be really enjoying it, when it works, and seem pretty successful. I cant wait to see you in your Ted talk outfit and hopefully that one wont have any tares in it. But i need a few pairs of pants hemmed, so when you have a minute i would really appreciate it

Unknown said...

Jenny, besides this week it seems that you are doing very well on your sewing project! Even though you are having a tough time this week, you still fought through it and bounced back. That is a good quality that it seems you truly need for a project with this many hiccups. I wish I could say I could help you with tips for making your sewing machine better, but I am clearly not an expert in this topic. Also I have to agree with Max and Mayank. Your voice is so strong and present in your blog. I am thoroughly enjoying reading your blog and hope you keep up the good work.
P.S. Nice reference with One Direction

rpirovitz3 said...

This post reminds me of when I was younger, and I used to play madden on xbox live with my friends. I would get easily frustrated, and then when things began to move on a constant downward spiral within a short period of time, I would quit. Even if it guaranteed a loss and my friends would get mad at me, I would still quit. Now to me it seems like you are at that point, where everything seems to be going wrong. And with that said, the best advice I can give you is to stay with it. In learning anything there will be rough rimes, but you just have to plow through them.

P.s. I need to get myself a Sandy, because she seems awesome!

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