I bought a pattern to make the skirt (shown in the video at the bottom) and it is very helpful but also very confusing. I've had to use this sewing glossary >>> http://www.bhg.com/crafts/sewing/basics/sewing-glossary/ in order to understand most of what it is saying.
I probably should have expected this, but sewing actual wearable clothes is really hard. After sewing pillows and other easy things I thought "psh, I got this." and then I tried to make pajama pants. Thankfully I was able to find a 3-part youtube video with step-by-step instructions on how to use the pattern I got for it. {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=984XMmBAhoE}
When I began making the skirt, I attempted to do it without using any outside help, since I wanted to get good at using and understanding the patterns. I eventually gave up. I searched and searched for a youtube video to help me with the specific pattern and I couldn't find one for the life of me. So now I am forced to do it without any help.
Instead of using sources that directly relate to the pattern I am using, I have found other, more general sources that so far have been relatively helpful. I think it's better that I don't have any videos to help me because this is the only way that I will truly get better, even if it takes 14 billion tries.
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