
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ted Talk Evaluation

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO relieved to be done with my presentation. Even though I had been preparing it for a long time and knew deep down that I was ready for it, I was still extremely nervous. I was terrified of getting up on that stage from the moment I laid eyes on it on the first day, until I finished answering my last question and walked off, and I think a lot of my friends can vouch for that.

I am extremely proud of what I accomplished throughout these past 7 weeks but I don't think I can bring myself to giving myself a 30/30, not because I don't want to sound cocky or anything but even if I did my best today there's always room for improvement.

I always try to keep from reading off my note cards when presenting and that's definitely something I have been trying to improve since the first presentation last year. I would love to say that I fixed that today but I still think I need some improvement.

As much as I don't want to actually grade myself on this presentation, I would give myself a 26 or 27 out of 30. I felt like I actually gave the audience something to think about and I felt that I made the message behind my presentation very prominent. One thing I thought I could have done better after seeing everyone else's presentation was I probably could have talked about my process a little more. I know that the main idea of the TED Talk wasn't about the process itself, but if I could do it over I would probably have talked about the steps I personally took in order to overcome the obstacles I faced.

I throughly enjoyed this project and even though most of the projects we get in gifted are pretty open-ended I feel like this was the one that we had the most freedom with and it is probably my second favorite project that we've done in gifted so far (first being the invention project last year(: )

Even though I didn't LOVE presenting in the audio, I happy I did, because last year I never would have thought that I could get up in front of everyone and do that which makes me really happy.

Overall, I'm very happy with how this project went and even though I'm excited that the presentation is done with, I will definitely miss the rest of this project.

Thank you(:


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